Almost seven years ago, I began a small group Bible study in my tiny, military housing living room. Six faithful women gathered around my coffee table as we savored the Scriptures, along with kind words and hot coffee. Little did I know, our family’s future would be shaped by this small act of obedience.
The Ministry to Business MilSpouse Portable Income Webinar will be held on Sept 21st, from 8-9pm Eastern on Zoom. Registration is required and can be completed here.
A few years later, God’s direction to lead a casual home Bible study would evolve into God’s calling for me to teach the Bible in new ways- as a Christian author and speaker. I began speaking at local MOPS groups and key note speaking at P.W.O.C. retreats. I taught in local churches and starting blogging through God’s Word. Eventually, I wrote a book.
But I really had absolutely no idea what I was doing.
I knew that I loved the Lord, and that He had called me to share deeply beloved truths held within His Word, but I wasn’t certain about how to navigate such a thing.
So, I did what most of us do when we are unsure. I guessed.
Blindly, I paid for a web domain, created a free blog space, and spent more money than I should have on mailers, posters, and marketing materials. I looked at my newfound calling as a service and sacrifice- paying for anything and everything without counting the cost.
Even a blind squirrel can find a nut every once in a while, and I was no different. In my ignorance of running a business and complete lack of time management, ministry flourished. I secured a book contract with Moody Publishers in Chicago. I was teaching and speaking all over the country. I flew in and out, passionately preaching the good news of the gospel whenever and where ever I was requested, but I was beginning to wear thin- both emotionally and financially.
I was even invited to serve on faculty at one of the most respected writer’s and speaker’s conferences, the Speak Up Conference with Carol Kent.
In fact, the Speak Up Conference is where I met the fantastic Katie Reid, the author of “Made Like Martha.” Before the 2020 Speak Up Conference, Katie called me to tell me about a new resource that she had contributed to with Lisa Jo Baker, Becky Kopitzke, and Jonathan Purifoy called “The Ministry to Business Guide.”
She sent me a copy to review and I curled up on my comfy couch to read it.
“Oh my gosh!” I shouted, loudly. Alarmed, my husband asked me if everything was alright. “It’s us!” I replied.
On the first page of the guide, Lisa Jo was describing a conversation that transpired with her husband. She was wiping down her counters and discussing whether or not to accept another speaking invitation that required her travel. Her husband said “We just can’t do this anymore if it doesn’t help pay real bills.” Lisa’s advice is to “take your finances as seriously as you take your ministry.”
I read the first page to my husband and he nodded in agreement. We finished reading the rest of the 90 pages together.
Oh, how I wish that I would have had this guide in my hands when I started out. The “Ministry to Business Guide” covers everything from blogging, freelance writing, and publishing. They share insider tips on coaching, podcasting, and money management.
I was completely floored. I loved it and wanted to get it into the hands of as many military spouses as I could. After a last-minute partnership with Armed Forces Insurance, and the Military Spouse of the Year Program, we were able to provide 100 copies of the “Ministry to Business Guide” to military spouses in ministry.
I believe that God is in fierce pursuit of the military community because we are perfectly positioned to carry the redemptive story of Jesus to the four corners. Our lifestyle, as active duty military families, prepares us fully to be passionate ambassadors for Christ.
Simultaneously, learning to speak and teach as a Christian communicator can also help us support our families and be wise stewards of the gifts that God has given us. Military spouse un-employment and under employment statistics are staggering.
After a call with the Ministry to Business team, they have decided to do a free webinar for military spouses. During this webinar, Lisa Jo, Katie, Becky, and Jonathan will share the tips and tricks that military spouses need to build a s successful and sustainable ministry. There will be live Q & A, along with some valuable insight from the team.
The Ministry to Business MilSpouse Portable Income Webinar will be held on Sept 21st, from 8-9pm Eastern on Zoom. Registration is required and can be completed here.

If you are looking for tangible ways to pivot during these unprecedented times, or are trying to figure out where to start on your journey as a Christian communicator, you won’t want to miss this amazing webinar.
If you want to grab your copy of “The Ministry to Business Guide” beforehand, you can snag it here! It’s on sale for only $27 until September 1st!
Registration link:
Megan Brown is a seasoned military spouse and military missionary. She is the Military Liaison for the Speak Up Conference Global Missions Military Scholarship and the 2019-Armed Forces Insurance Robins AFB Military Spouse of the Year. She is passionate about military mission work and teaching and preaching about Jesus in and out of the local church. Her Bible study, “Summoned: Answering a Call to the Impossible,” published by Moody Publishers in Chicago, will release in May 2021. She lives on the Mississippi Gulf Coast with her husband, Keith, and their energetic kiddos. She is a Bible teacher, speaker, and freelance writer. To learn more or connect with Megan, visit